Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Patient Cholesterol Levels Chapter 9 Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express

Case Programming Assignments
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Chapter 9
Shelly Cashman Series

Vb.Net Patient Cholesterol, Splash Screen, Filtering, Sorting, File Dialog Box, Clear Exit

Application Title: Patient Cholesterol Levels

Purpose Title: This Windows application determines which patient’s cholesterol is considered high.

Program Procedures: In a Windows application, a text file containing patient information name patient.txt is opened. The patients that have a cholesterol  level above 200 are written to a second text file for consultation named consult.txt.

Algorithms, Processing, Conditions:
1. Each day a text file named patient.txt is opened from the USB drive. The patient.txt file contains the names, patient ID numbers, and cholesterol level results from the lab. An opening graphic and title is displayed on the Windows From object.
2. A file menu includes the options to Display Patient information, Clear, and Exit. The Display Patient Information option displays the contents of the patient.txt file on a second Windows Form object.
3. The patient name, patient ID number, and the cholesterol level is assigned to an array that holds 15 elements each.
4. The cholesterol level is tested to see if the blood cholesterol level is above the value 200.
5. The patient name, patient ID number, and the cholesterol level for the patients who have a cholesterol level  above 200 is written to a text file named consult.txt on the USB drive. A nurse will contact these patients with the elevated cholesterol levels for further evaluation.
6. The program displays the number of patients who had an elevated cholesterol level above 200 and the average cholesterol rate of today’s patients.

1. A picture should be selected from a graphic available on the Web.
2. The text file patient.txt is available on scsite.com/vb2020/ch9

Preview Solution:
Patient Cholesterol Levels
Patient Cholesterol Levels
  • This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
  • Posted on Apr 28, 2013 at 12:35:38PM
Price: $20
Special Price: $15
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
File in Solution:
 PreviewCholestrolGrt200.jpg (76K) (Preview)
 solution_PatientCholesterol.zip (1220K) 
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/bin/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.exe
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/bin/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.pdb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/bin/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.xml
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Form1.Designer.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Form1.resx
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Form1.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/My Project/Application.myapp
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/My Project/Resources.resx
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/My Project/Settings.settings
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/Patient Cholesterol Levels.exe
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/Patient Cholesterol Levels.pdb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/Patient Cholesterol Levels.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/Patient Cholesterol Levels.vbproj.GenerateResource.Cache
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/Patient Cholesterol Levels.xml
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/Patient_Cholesterol_Levels.Form1.resources
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/Patient_Cholesterol_Levels.Resources.resources
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.exe
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.pdb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.vbproj.GenerateResource.Cache
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient Cholesterol Levels.xml
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient_Cholesterol_Levels.Form1.resources
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient_Cholesterol_Levels.Resources.resources
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/Patient_Cholesterol_Levels.Welcome.resources
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels.vbproj
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels.vbproj.user
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Resources/CholestrolChk.PNG
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Welcome.Designer.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Welcome.resx
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Welcome.vb
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels.sln
 solution_PatientCholesterol/Patient Cholesterol Levels/Patient Cholesterol Levels.suo

Earth Day 5K Run Contributions Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express

Earth Day 5K Run Contributions

Case Programming Assignments
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Shelly Cashman Series 
Application Title: Earth Day 5K Run Contributions

Click Below Link To Download!

Vb.Net Earth Day, Splash Screen, Sorting, File Dialog Box, Clear Exit

Requirements Document

This Windows application, compute the number of runners who have contributions received by the fund-raising runners at the Earth Day 5K Run.

In a Windows application, compute the number of runners who have contributed so far to the Earth Day 5K Run and the total amount raised based on the data in a text file containing the names of the runners, their age, and the amount of money each has raised.

1. A Windows application displays a title and Earth Day logo. The application opens a text file named earthdayrun.txt from a USB drive (E:). 
2. The program assigns the text file contents to three arrays that hold the runner’s name, age, and amount of funds raised. The array currently has 22 elements.
3. When the Compute Total Funds Raised button is clicked, the program computes the total of runners added to the text file so far, the average of the runners, and the total of funds raised.
4. The program displays the names of the runners in sorted alphabetical order and their ages.
5. A file menu with the menu items Clear and Exit is displayed which clears the result from the Form object and exits the application.

Close the opened text file before the program exits.

1. The earthdayrun.txt file is available from scscite.com/vb2010/ch9.
2. The picture shown on the form should be selected from graphics available on the Web.

Use Case Definition
1. The user clicks the Compute Funds Raised Button.
2. The user views the sorted names of the runners and ages
3. The user clicks the Clear menu item to clear the results of the Windows Form object
4. The user clicks the Exit menu item to close the applications

Preview Solution:
Vb.Net Earth Day, Splash Screen, Sorting, File Dialog Box, Clear Exit

Price: $20
Special Price: $15
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
File in Solution:
PreviewEarthDay.JPG (61K) (Preview)
 solution_EarthDay.zip (992K) 
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.exe
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.pdb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.vshost.exe
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.xml
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.exe
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.pdb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.xml
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.vbproj
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.vbproj.user
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Form1.Designer.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Form1.resx
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Form1.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/My Project/Application.myapp
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/My Project/Resources.resx
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/My Project/Settings.settings
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.exe
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.pdb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.vbproj.GenerateResource.Cache
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.xml
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth_Day_5K_Run_Contributions.Form1.resources
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth_Day_5K_Run_Contributions.Resources.resources
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/Earth_Day_5K_Run_Contributions.Welcome.resources
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.exe
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.pdb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.vbproj.GenerateResource.Cache
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.xml
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/Earth_Day_5K_Run_Contributions.Form1.resources
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/Earth_Day_5K_Run_Contributions.Resources.resources
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Resources/earth-day-logo.jpg
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Resources/earth-day-logo1.jpg
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Welcome.Designer.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Welcome.resx
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Welcome.vb
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.sln
 solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.suo

Monday, December 2, 2013

Baseball Ticket Sales Chapter 8 Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express p. 626-627

Baseball Ticket Sales with 100% results, VB 2010 Express with Through Testing. ( Preview Given )

Case Programming Assignments
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Shelly Cashman Series p. 626-627
Application Title: Baseball Ticket Sales.

Click Below Link To Download!

Purpose: This Windows application computes the cost of baseball tickets.

Program Procedures: From a Windows Application, allow the user to select season or single-game baseball tickets and compute the cost of the tickets.

Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:
1. The user is requested to select whether to purchase season or single-game tickets from a Combo Box object. The other objects are not visible until the user selects this option.
2. The user is requested to enter the number of tickets needed in a Text Box Object.
3. The user is requested to select the type of seats from a List Box object.
4. One of two Function procedures will be called for season or single-game tickets to compute and pass back the final cost of the tickets.

Notes and Restrictions:
1. A Clear Form button should clear the Form.
2. A Try-Catch block in separate procedure will validate the input.

1. The picture should be selected from a picture available on the Web.
2. A splash screen begins the application.

Preview Solution:
Base Ball Ticket Sales

Price: $15
Special Price: $10
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
File in Solution:
 Preview.jpg (58K) (Preview)
 BaseBall_Tickets.zip (338K)
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/My Project/Application.myapp
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/My Project/Resources.resx
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/My Project/Settings.settings
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 BaseBall_Tickets/BaseBall_Tickets/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll

Little League Batting Average Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express p. 465

Case Programming Assignments
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Shelly Cashman Series p. 464-465

Click Below Link To Download!

Little League Batting Average Windows Application

Purpose: This Windows application find the average of the starting line-up of nine little league baseball players.

Program: In a Windows application, the user enters the present batting average of each of the nine starting line-up players to compute the team batting average.

Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:
1. The user clicks the Enter Batting Average button to enter the batting average for each of the nine baseball players.
2. Each batting average is displayed in a ListBox object.
3. After the nine batting averages are entered, the team batting average is displayed.
4. A File menu contains a Clear and an Exit option, The Clear menu item clears the team batting average and the nine individual batting averages. The Exit menu item closes the application.
5. If the user clicks the Cancel button after entering one but before entering nine player's batting averages, use the batting averages the user entered for the calculations.
6. If the user clicks the Cancel button before entering any batting averages, display an appropiate message.

Notes and Restrictions:
1. The result should go out three places past the decimal.
2. Non-numeric values should not be accepted.
3. Negative numbers should not be accepted.

1. The application allows decimal entries.

2. Obtain the images from scsite.com/vb2010/ch6/images. Its name is Baseball.

Use Case Definition:

1. The windows application opens, displaying the little league team name as the title, a List Box object that will display the batting averages, and a Button Object that allows the user to enter the batting averages.
2. A menu bar displays the File Menu, which has two menus items: Clear and Exit.
3. In an Input Box object, the user enters up to nine values, one at a time, representing the batting average of the starting line-up of the team.
4. The program asks the user for the batting average again if the values is a negative or non-numeric number.
5. The program displays the team batting average out to 3 decimal places.
6. The user clicks the Clear menu item to clear the input and the result.
7. If the user click the Cancel button before entering nine batting averages, the program uses the batting averages entered for calculations. If the user entered no batting averages, an appropriate messages is displayed.
8. The user clicks the Exit menu item to close the application.

Preview Solution:
LittleLeagueBattingAverage, Part 1, VB Express
  • This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
  • Posted on Apr 11, 2013 at 2:15:51PM 
Price: $20
Special Price: $15
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
File in Solution:
 Preview.jpg (55K) (Preview)
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage.zip (279K)
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Application.myapp
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Resources.resx
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Settings.settings
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll

Next Decade Pay Calculator Chapter 6 Shelly Cashman VB 2010 Express page 470

Click Below Link To Download!


Design a Windows application and write the code that will execute according to the program requirements shown in Figure 6-133. Before writing the code, create an event planning document for each event in the program. Create a Use Case Definition for the application.

Requirement Document

Purpose: This Windows Applicatoin computes the amount of money an employee earns over the enxt decade based on a raise, which is a percentage amount.

Program Procedures: In a Windows application, the user enters the persent wage per hour and the raise percentage amount per year to compute the yearly pay over the next 10 years.

Algorithms,Processing and Conditions:
1. The Application opens displaying a title and requesting the amount of present pay per hour and the expected raise percentage per year.
2. When the Compute Future Pay button is clicked, the program calculates the yearly pay based on 40 hours per week and 52 weeks per year. The raise increases each amount after the first year.
3. The yearly amount of pay earned is displayed for the next 10 years.
4. A File menu contains a Clear and and Exit option. The Clear menu item clears the result. The Exit Menu item closes the application.

Notes and Restriction: 
1. Non-Numeric values should not be accepted.
2. Negative numbers should not be allowed.

1. The application allows decimal entries.

Preview Solution:
NextDecadePayCalculator, Part 2, VB Express
  • This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
  • Posted on Apr 12, 2013 at 1:50:08PM 
Price: $20
Special Price: $15
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment
File in Solution:

Parking Ticket Fines Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express p. 364-365

Case Programming Assignments
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Shelly Cashman Series p. 364-365

Click Below Link To Download!

Parking Ticket Violation, Preview in VB 2010 Express

“USE ONLY” Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express
Design a Windows application and write the code that will execute according to the program requirements in the figure.

Parking Violation Fine
Expired Meter $35
No Parking Zone $75
Blocking Driveway $150
Illegal Handicap Parking $500
Use Case Definition
1.The Windows application window opens.
2.The user selects the type of parking offense.
3.The user selects whether the user is a repeat offender.
4.The user clicks the Display Fine button to display the parking ticket fine.
5.The user clears the input and the result by clicking the Clear button.
6.If desired, the user repeats the process.

Requirement Document
Application title:Parking Ticket Fines
Purpose:This Windows application calculates a parking ticket fine.
Program Procedures:
The user selects the type of parking violation and indicates if the owner of the vehicle is a repeat offender. The user than requests that the program calculate and display the parking ticket fine.

Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:
1. The user selects the type of parking violation.
2. IF the owner of the vehicle has been ticketed previously for a parking offense in the city, the fine is doubled.
3. The user must be able to indicate the owner is a repeat offender.
4. The fine is calculated based on the chart above.
5. The user should be able to clear the type of violation indicator, the repeat offender indicator, and the ticket fine.

Preview Solution:
Parking Ticket Violation, Preview in VB 2010 Express
  • This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
  • Posted on Apr. 05, 2013 at 09:18:07AM
Price: $20
Special Price: $15
Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment

File in Solution
 Preview.jpg (65K) (Preview)
 ParkingVoilation.zip (450K) 
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/My Project/Application.myapp
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/My Project/Resources.resx
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/My Project/Settings.settings
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 ParkingVoilation/ParkingVoilation/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll

Amusement Park Tickets Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express p. 366

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Shelly Cashman Series
p. 366

Click Below Link To Download!

Amusement Park Ticket A+ solution With Preview, VB Express Edition

Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express only, not Microsoft Visual Studio

Design a Windows application and write the code that will execute according to the program requirements
Requirements Document

Application Title: Amusement Park Tickets

Purpose: The Windows application calculates the cost of the amusement park tickets.

Program Procedures:     The user should enter the number of single day tickets for the amusement park.
The park has a discount program for various club memberships. The user may use only one club membership. The user does not need to select a club membership. The ticket costs $72 a day.

Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:                            
1. The user enters the number of tickets.
2. The types of club memberships accepted are
a. AAA (15% off full purchase cost)
b. AARP (17.5% off full purchase cost)
c. Military ID (20% off full purchase price). 
The user can only select one type of membership.

3. The user must be able to initate the calculation and display the total final cost of the tickets.
4. The user should be able to clear the number of tickets purchased, the types of membership, and the total cost.

Notes and Restrictions:                              
1. If a negative number is entered for tickets, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.
2. If a nonnumeric value is entered for the ticket number or if the input for the number of tickets is left blank, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.

Comments: Obtain an image for this program from scscite.com/vb2010/ch5/images. The image file name is Amusement.

Use Case Definition

1.The Wndows application window opens.
2.The user enters the number of single day tickets needed.
3.The user clicks the display Cost button.
4.The program dispalys the total cost of the tickets after the discount is applies.
5.Using a MsgBox, the user is warned if a negative number is entered for the number of tickets.
6.Using the MsgBox, the user is warned if a nonnumeric value is entered for the number of tickets or if the value is left blank.
7.The user can clear the input and results by clicking the clear button.

Preview Screen Shot:
Cost Amusement Park, with Validations

Amusement Park Ticket A+ solution With Preview, VB Express Edition
  • This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
  • Posted on Apr. 05, 2013 at 11:26:22AM
Price: $20

Special Price: $15

Email: syedjahangirb@gmail.com for downloading assignment

Files in Solution:
 Preview.jpg (33K) (Preview)
 Amusement Park Tickets.zip (148K)
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets.vbproj
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets.vbproj.user
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/bin/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.exe
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/bin/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.pdb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/bin/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.vshost.exe
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/bin/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.xml
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/bin/Release/Amusement Park Tickets.exe
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/bin/Release/Amusement Park Tickets.pdb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/bin/Release/Amusement Park Tickets.xml
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/Form1.Designer.vb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/Form1.resx
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/Form1.vb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/My Project/Application.myapp
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/My Project/Resources.resx
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/My Project/Settings.settings
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.exe
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.pdb
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.vbproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/Amusement Park Tickets.xml
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/Amusement_Park_Tickets.Form1.resources
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/Amusement_Park_Tickets.Resources.resources
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
 Amusement Park Tickets/Amusement Park Tickets/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
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