Monday, December 2, 2013

Next Decade Pay Calculator Chapter 6 Shelly Cashman VB 2010 Express page 470

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Design a Windows application and write the code that will execute according to the program requirements shown in Figure 6-133. Before writing the code, create an event planning document for each event in the program. Create a Use Case Definition for the application.

Requirement Document

Purpose: This Windows Applicatoin computes the amount of money an employee earns over the enxt decade based on a raise, which is a percentage amount.

Program Procedures: In a Windows application, the user enters the persent wage per hour and the raise percentage amount per year to compute the yearly pay over the next 10 years.

Algorithms,Processing and Conditions:
1. The Application opens displaying a title and requesting the amount of present pay per hour and the expected raise percentage per year.
2. When the Compute Future Pay button is clicked, the program calculates the yearly pay based on 40 hours per week and 52 weeks per year. The raise increases each amount after the first year.
3. The yearly amount of pay earned is displayed for the next 10 years.
4. A File menu contains a Clear and and Exit option. The Clear menu item clears the result. The Exit Menu item closes the application.

Notes and Restriction: 
1. Non-Numeric values should not be accepted.
2. Negative numbers should not be allowed.

1. The application allows decimal entries.

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NextDecadePayCalculator, Part 2, VB Express
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