Monday, December 2, 2013

Little League Batting Average Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express p. 465

Case Programming Assignments
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010
Shelly Cashman Series p. 464-465

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Little League Batting Average Windows Application

Purpose: This Windows application find the average of the starting line-up of nine little league baseball players.

Program: In a Windows application, the user enters the present batting average of each of the nine starting line-up players to compute the team batting average.

Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions:
1. The user clicks the Enter Batting Average button to enter the batting average for each of the nine baseball players.
2. Each batting average is displayed in a ListBox object.
3. After the nine batting averages are entered, the team batting average is displayed.
4. A File menu contains a Clear and an Exit option, The Clear menu item clears the team batting average and the nine individual batting averages. The Exit menu item closes the application.
5. If the user clicks the Cancel button after entering one but before entering nine player's batting averages, use the batting averages the user entered for the calculations.
6. If the user clicks the Cancel button before entering any batting averages, display an appropiate message.

Notes and Restrictions:
1. The result should go out three places past the decimal.
2. Non-numeric values should not be accepted.
3. Negative numbers should not be accepted.

1. The application allows decimal entries.

2. Obtain the images from Its name is Baseball.

Use Case Definition:

1. The windows application opens, displaying the little league team name as the title, a List Box object that will display the batting averages, and a Button Object that allows the user to enter the batting averages.
2. A menu bar displays the File Menu, which has two menus items: Clear and Exit.
3. In an Input Box object, the user enters up to nine values, one at a time, representing the batting average of the starting line-up of the team.
4. The program asks the user for the batting average again if the values is a negative or non-numeric number.
5. The program displays the team batting average out to 3 decimal places.
6. The user clicks the Clear menu item to clear the input and the result.
7. If the user click the Cancel button before entering nine batting averages, the program uses the batting averages entered for calculations. If the user entered no batting averages, an appropriate messages is displayed.
8. The user clicks the Exit menu item to close the application.

Preview Solution:
LittleLeagueBattingAverage, Part 1, VB Express
  • This tutorial was purchased 1 time and rated A+ by students like you.
  • Posted on Apr 11, 2013 at 2:15:51PM 
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File in Solution:
 Preview.jpg (55K) (Preview) (279K)
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Application.Designer.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Application.myapp
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/AssemblyInfo.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Resources.Designer.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Resources.resx
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Settings.Designer.vb
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/My Project/Settings.settings
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll
 LittleLeagueBattingAverage/LittleLeagueBattingAverage/obj/x86/Release/TempPE/My Project.Resources.Designer.vb.dll

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