Earth Day 5K Run Contributions
Case Programming AssignmentsMicrosoft Visual Basic 2010
Shelly Cashman Series
Application Title: Earth Day 5K Run Contributions
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Vb.Net Earth Day, Splash Screen, Sorting, File Dialog Box, Clear Exit
Requirements Document
Requirements Document
This Windows application, compute the number of runners who have contributions received by the fund-raising runners at the Earth Day 5K Run.
In a Windows application, compute the number of runners who have contributed so far to the Earth Day 5K Run and the total amount raised based on the data in a text file containing the names of the runners, their age, and the amount of money each has raised.
1. A Windows application displays a title and Earth Day logo. The application opens a text file named earthdayrun.txt from a USB drive (E:).
2. The program assigns the text file contents to three arrays that hold the runner’s name, age, and amount of funds raised. The array currently has 22 elements.
3. When the Compute Total Funds Raised button is clicked, the program computes the total of runners added to the text file so far, the average of the runners, and the total of funds raised.
4. The program displays the names of the runners in sorted alphabetical order and their ages.
5. A file menu with the menu items Clear and Exit is displayed which clears the result from the Form object and exits the application.
Close the opened text file before the program exits.
1. The earthdayrun.txt file is available from
2. The picture shown on the form should be selected from graphics available on the Web.
Use Case Definition
1. The user clicks the Compute Funds Raised Button.
2. The user views the sorted names of the runners and ages
3. The user clicks the Clear menu item to clear the results of the Windows Form object
4. The user clicks the Exit menu item to close the applications
Preview Solution:
Vb.Net Earth Day, Splash Screen, Sorting, File Dialog Box, Clear Exit |
Price: $20
Special Price: $15
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File in Solution:
PreviewEarthDay.JPG (61K) (Preview) (992K)
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solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/bin/Debug/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.pdb
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solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Resources/earth-day-logo1.jpg
solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Welcome.Designer.vb
solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Welcome.resx
solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Welcome.vb
solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.sln
solution_EarthDay/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions/Earth Day 5K Run Contributions.suo
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