Sunday, December 7, 2014

Health Club Membership Case Programming 4 Chapter 5 Page 370 Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express

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Preview of Running Application and Code:
Health Club Membership Case Programming 4 Chapter 5 Page 370 Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express Running Code Application

Application Title:
Health Club Membership

Purpose: This Windows application calculates the prepayment amount for a new member of a health club.

Program Procedures:
The user should enter the name of the new member, the number of months the new user
would like to prepay, and the type of membership. The health club prepayment cost will be
computed and displayed for the entered number of months. The per month costs for the
three types of membership are:
Single Membership $38 per month
Family Membership $58 per month
Senior Membership $27 per month

Algorithms, Processing,Conditions:
1. The user must enter the name of the new member, the type of membership, and the number of months the new member would like to prepay.
2. Based on the type of membership, the prepayment cost is calculated using the following formula: number of prepay months 3 cost per month.
3. The user must be able to initiate the calculation and display the prepay amount for the health club membership.
4. The user should be able to clear the name of the new member, the number of prepay months, the type of membership, and the prepay amount for the new member.

Notes and Restrictions:
1. If the user enters a nonnumeric value for the number of months, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.
2. If the user enters a negative number for the number of months or if the user leaves the number of months input area blank, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.
3. If the user leaves the input area for the user name blank, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.
4. The default membership type is single membership.

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