Sunday, December 7, 2014

Vacation Distance Travelled Calculator Case Programming 5 Chapter 6 Page 469 Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express

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Product Description

Application title:
Vacation Distance Calculator Windows Application

Purpose: This application computes the number of miles travelled given the speed limit and the number of days travelled driving cross country.

Program Procedures: In a Windows application, the user enters the speed limit and the number of days you plan to travel cross country. You will enter the number of hours you would like to drive each of the days based on places you plan to visit as you drive and other factors. For example, the first day you plan to drive only 4 hours because you are driving after work. The application displays the distance that you are able to travel for the entire trip based on the speed limit and the hours driven.

Algorithms, Processing, Conditions:
1. The application opens displaying a title. The user enters the speed limit and the and number of days you plan to drive.
2. The user clicks the Distance button to request the number of hours you plan to drive each day. The result of the total number of miles you plan to drive over the entire trip will be displayed.
3. A File menu contains a Clear and an Exit option. The Clear menu item clears the result and the entered number of miles per hour and time traveled. The Exit menu item closes the application.

Notes and Restrictions:
1. Non-numeric values should not be accepted.
2. The number of hours for one day of travel should not exceed 20 hours.

Comments: 1. The application allows decimal entries.

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