Sunday, December 7, 2014

Two Day Package Shipping Case Programming 5 Chapter 5 Page 371_372 Shelly Cashman Series VB 2010 Express

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Application title: Two-Day Package Shipping

Purpose: This Windows application calculates the cost of shipping a package with two-day delivery.

Program Procedures:

The user enters the weight of the package (in pounds) and selects the destination of the package. The application will determine the cost of shipping. The destination of the package can be the continental U.S., Hawaii, or Alaska. If the package is going to Hawaii, a 20%surcharge is added to the shipping cost. If the package is going to Alaska, a 26% surcharge is added to the shipping cost.

Algorithms, Processing, Conditions:

1. The user must be able to enter the number of pounds the package weighs and indicate that the package is being mailed to the continental U.S., Hawaii, or Alaska.
2. The shipping costs are calculated based on the rates in the table in Figure 5-109 on the next page. A 20% surcharge is added if the shipping destination is Hawaii. A 26% surcharge is added if the shipping destination is Alaska.
3. The user must be able to initiate the calculation and the display of the shipping cost.
4. The user must be able to clear the weight of the package and the shipping cost.
Notes and Restrictions:
1. If the entry for the shipping weight is blank or nonnumeric, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.
2. The maximum weight for a package is 30 pounds. If the weight is greater than 30 pounds, or if the value entered is not greater than zero, the user should be advised and asked for a valid entry.

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